Mother's Day Flower Bouquet
Mother's Day Flower Bouquet
Mother's Day Flower Bouquet
Mother's Day Flower Bouquet
Mother's Day Flower Bouquet

Mother's Day Flower Bouquet


A real treat for mamas, this uplifting bouquet is Spring in a vase and sure to delight!

Expect Spring staples like sweet smelling narcissi, but not just your regulars, we source more rare varieties like Pink Charm to add interest. Other seasonal flowers include stocks, tulips, large-headed ranunculus, lisianthus and camomile. Plus Italian mimosa which has long been associated with celebrating women.

The colour palette is fresh; lemon yellows, whites, apricots, pinks. Each bouquet has its own unique signature, some may be more pastel than the images.

Large size is pictured.

Our signature style is romantic and unstructured.We use seasonal, locally grown foliages to achieve this. Each bouquet is handmade and as such may differ slightly from the image. 

Good to know: 

  • Our bouquets are beautifully wrapped in recycled packaging- the paper is compostable.
  • We deliver on cargo bike locally.

In stock
  • Friday 8th March
  • Saturday 9th March
  • Mother's Day (10th of March)

  • Medium
  • Large
  • Wow

*We get the freshest, best quality flowers and they are always in our signature, romantic style using locally soured blooms where possible. When the bouquet arrives it will be fresh, seasonal and beautiful! To see our past designs to see what you can expect, check out our instagram feed.

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🚲 We deliver locally on bicycle or by carbon neutral couriers.

We deliver locally to E8 on bicycle.

We also deliver to E1, E2, E3, E5, E9, E10, E17,
N1, N2, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N15, N16
EC1, EC2, EC3, EC4,
NW1, NW3, NW5,
WC1, WC2, W1

*If you can’t see what you’re looking for, email so we can assist you.

Some of our previous Designs

The bouquet of the week gallery

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SAVE time & money with a flower subscRiption

Keep the flowers coming, saving you time and money.

We change the design of the bouquet each week so you can be sure you’re getting the best quality flowers available from the market arranged in our signature style.



Our Bouquet of the Week changes weekly so we can get the freshest and best quality flowers. They are always in our signature, romantic style using locally soured blooms where possible. When your bouquet arrives it will be fresh, seasonal and beautiful! To see our past designs to see what you can expect, check out our instagram feed. You can re-visit this page to see what it will be, or drop us a line to find out

How to care for your flowers

Preparing your bouquet

Once you have received your flowers remove the wrapping paper. It's compostable so can go in the food bin. Cut about 1/4 inch off the bottom of the stems. Cut them at an angle, rather than straight across the bottom so a greater surface area of stem is exposed. The bouquets are hand-tied so it’s best to keep the tie around the stems on as that holds the bouquet together. Place in a vase of clean water making sure that all the stems are in water. Change the water regularly, re-snipping the stems when you do.


When choosing the right vase for your bouquet go for one roughly half height of your flowers. The overall shape and width of the vase will have an impact on whether the bouquet fits nicely but the height is a good place to start.